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Halloween Pumpkin Room Tips & Tricks

Tags: Halloween Pumpkin Room Game Guides, Halloween Pumpkin Room Hints, Halloween Pumpkin Room Walkthrough

Halloween Pumpkin Room

-get the front middle pumpkin.
-move the front left pumpkin amd get a letter "d"
-get a letter "o" from the pumpkin on the left upside of 
 the shining poster.
-get the letter "a" from the pumpkin on the left top shelf. 
 (the letter is back of the pumpkin)
-get the letter "h" behind the woods in the fireplace.
-get a knife from the fireplace. (right eye)
-click on the opposite shelf.
-move the bottom 2nd pumpkin and get a letter "e"
-get the letter "n" from the right 3rd pumpkin on the stairs.
-get the letter "l" from the top middle pumpkin on the right.
-get the candle from the pumpkin top 3rd at the right.
-get the 2nd letter "l" from the opposite wall at the top 
-put the pumpkin in your inventory on the shelf above the 
-click it with the candle and get the 2nd letter "a"
-use knife on the left bottom pumpkin to cut a mouth on it. 
 and get letter "w".
-click on the right shelf and click the last pumpkin with the 
 candle. get the 2nd letter "e".
-click on the shinig poster at the left.
-click the bottom right of the poster and get the letter "y".
-put all the letters on the opposite wall at the right shelf. 
 (put the letters on the wood above the shelf)
-there are changing pumpkins above the door.

make them:
1st shelf: thin orange pumpkin-brown pumpkin-fat orange pumpkin.
2nd shelf: thin orange pumpkin-brown pumpkin-fat orange pumpkin.

-the niddle closet on the floor will open and get a pumpkin.
-click the pumpkin to put it in front of the fireplace.
-cut it with the knife and make eyes nose and mouth on the pumpkin by 
 clicking the pumpkin with the knife several times.
-then put the candle in it.
-get back the pumpkin in your inventory and put it on the shelf which 
 we wrote with the letters"hallowenday"
-then go back and click the door to exit the room.
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