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The Saddle Club Willowbrook Stables Cheats

The Saddle Club - Willowbrook Stables

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: conner54

Free range animals:
There are animals such as sheep and cows on the island, but in some places,
they are not in paddocks. There is one place on Coventy Island where there 
is a small bit of land with a strip of land connecting it to the mainland. 
On this small circle of land out in the sea, there is just a cow standing 
there. There are a few places with animals just walking around free. If you
hear a loud "moo", follow it to find a huge cow that is bigger then the horse
that keeps falling over. 

Reach inaccessible areas:
Go to the right corner of the top of island 2. There is a small island which
you cannot. If you face the opposite way of it then continuously press [Alt]
+0, you will be moved backwards and will soon be standing on the island. You
can ride around on it, but there is not really anything there. Use [Alt] + 0
to get back to the mainland. This also works in other places.

Floating object:
When you are about to go to sleep grab a brush, currycomb or something else.
Talk with Agnes. You will get a note and an extremely long talk. What you are
holding will disappear. Immediately, or in the morning, go to the door to the
feed room. Just outside will be the object you had, floating in mid-air. To 
get it back, go to where it belongs and press [Enter].

Make the horse run:
Repeatedly press [Cursor Up].

I will press the letter "a" and the password title will come up with the title
"Cheat" then i will type in my password for the will come up on the 
top left hand side.

Take pictures while in motion:
Press [Space], and when you are in the air, press C to display the camera screen.
The screen will sort of freeze, and you can take a picture of yourself in midair.

Make the horse run:
When you are about to go to sleep grab a brush, currycomb or something else. Talk
with Agnes. You will get a note and an extremely long talk. What you are holding 
will disappear. Immediately, or in the morning, go to the door to the feed room. 
ust outside will be the object you had, floating in mid-air. To get it back, go 
to where it belongs and press [Enter].
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