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Star Trek Starfleet Academy Cheats

Star Trek - Starfleet Academy

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Fire While Cloaked Cheat:
Chose any vessel with cloak ability in creat mission. When game starts
before you do ANYTHING type "CAR". You will cloak and still be able to
use your weapons but not your targeting computer so I reccomend swithing
to manual fire by hitting "W" and selecting each weapon so you will have
to do  it twice. If at anytime you un-cloak you will not be able to use 
the fire while cloaked cheat for the remander of the encounter.

To reload Photons in Mission 7:
Type ****TIBERIUS after first battle (may have to type twice) go to 
transporter range of starbase hit [I]. Should reload photons. In Omega 
12-300 type $PUNISH to get extra photon power.

To kill Romulan near Raven in END GAME.

To kill Sherak in Smugglers Den.
Type $->ME!

Where ist the extra system/battle.

In Common Ground, warp to Thaxius from Tasocles.
In Balance of Terror, type KNAT ATTACK in Starbase system.
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