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Mobai Room 2 Cheats

Mobai Room 2

Submitted by: RM

Use the following steps to complete the game.

1.Click the mat and get the key.
2.Go left and open all of the cabniets, use the key on the locked 
  one. get paper fishing pole and cat box.
3.Click the plant and get coin then turn left two screens
4.Use your coin on the capsule machine turn handle and click the 
5.Examine the capsule from your inventory and click to open it. you 
  should get a red block.
6.Look at the paper that you have and count there are 2 red circles, 
  four green circles, and 3 blue circles.
7.Click the safe and enter code: 243
8.Get the magnet from the safe and combine with the fishing rod.
9.Turn right and use rod and magnet on the vase get the hammer and smash 
  the cat bank/box with it. (the cat box is in your inventory)
10.Collect the coin and turn left. use the coin on the machine and open 
   the new capsule.
11.Combine blue and red puzzle pieces and use on the door.
12.You Made It!
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